Friday 13 July 2012

I frown upon thou, parody writers!!! D:

Picture the scene: Dother Hall performing arts college somewhere Up North, surrounded by rolling dales, bearded cheesemaking villagers (male and female) and wildlife of the squirrely-type.
On the whole, it’s not quite the showbiz experience Tallulah was expecting… but once her mates turn up and they start their ‘FAME! I’m gonna liiiiive foreeeeeever, I’m gonna fill my tiiiiights’ summer course things are bound to perk up.
Especially when the boys arrive. (When DO the boys arrive?)
Six weeks of parent-free freedom.
BOY freedom.
Freedom of expression…
cos it’s the THEATRE dahling, theatre!!

In all honesty, I did give up reading this book – I know, a scandal, slap on the hand!! – but I have a reason!!!! I got bored >.< Okay, fair enough it’s a good book if you’re into some cheesy writing methods, but for me? NO! This is, clearly from the title, a parody of Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. However, although my extremely pessimistic views at the beginning, I thought that there were some quite funny and interesting points throughout the parts I had read. Basically, the funny bit is for me that the standard of writing is made for the youngling children, but when I read it, I just giggled all the time... wait... is that bad? LOL! 
I’d recommend this book to those who do enjoy a little bit of a laugh, and to those who don’t really choose challenging reads, or, those little ones who are soooo adorably small!!!!

Keep reading my little Booklings!!!!!

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