Friday 29 June 2012

No wonder they say teenagers are bad!!!!

I know you’re getting bored... but I’m going to write a review of the LAST instalment of the Twilight Saga, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. Now, the story follows a girl (obviously Bree) who was an abused child, who left home before she could get a job and fell into the trap of being offered a cheeseburger – cue the “I can has cheeseburger?” cat – and subsequently ends up being part of the New Born army out to kill Bella Swan and get rid of the Cullen Clan. Now, she falls in love with a fellow ally and they share various high fives and hunting trips... that is... until he never comes back. And as this has happened Riley (the army “leader”) needs to keep her faith in him, so, consequently he LIES!!! He tells dearest Bree that he was selected by “her” to do some scouting.
Well... I found it interesting to read from a different point of view for once, however, I thought there could be a little bit more arguments with other members of the coven. I do enjoy a bit of action and limb loss within vampire novels if I’m going to be honest. Now, if you would like to find out more, then read it! Jeez! I’m not going to tell you everything. Oh, but one last thing!! She dies.

Keep reading my little Booklings!!!!!


  1. Wow! What an impressive start to blogging! I have really enjoyed reading this!
    I am a fellow fan of the 'Twilight' books!
    Team Jacob or team Edward???

    1. hmmm, well.... I must say that Team Edward is more appealing, what with never aging and the amazing hotness... however, I do feel like Team Jacob is the more brotherly love, so therefore, as Jacob is a fwuffly duffly wolf, I shall say Team Jacob, as he was always there for Bella and didn't take a trip to get killed by a bunch of psychotic vampires because he's depressed >.<
