Wednesday 27 June 2012

Vampires vs. Werewolves..... hmmmm....

What is one thing I always enjoy doing? Reading! I love reading with my whole heart, it allows you to leave reality for a few minutes (or hours in my case) and live life through a different person. I know a lot of people my age nowadays tend to prefer videogames, and will spend hours on end firing the heads off various alien attackers. As I don’t really care for alien attacks or fantasy apocalypses, most people find me on the end of my bed reading. I read quite a lot, from supernatural vampires vs. werewolves, romance, and action packed novels based on real life.

I have been asked, “Are there any barriers to reading?” my reply to that? No, of course not! There’s no point reading if you aren’t willing to try something a little different, as well, many people tend to take to reading as time fillers, and they read on the train, the plane, in the car, on the bus... But there’s countless places you can read! Whether it is the seaside, in the woods, in a wheelbarrow! It’s all good fun when you think about it.

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