Monday 3 September 2012

Typical! Popular blonde wanting the new boy... oh wait! He's a vampire, it's all good guys!

The Awakening;
Elena Gilbert is used to getting what she wants and she wants mysterious new boy, Stefan. But Stefan is hiding a deadly secret – a secret that will change Elena’s life forever.
The Struggle;
Elena is torn between her boyfriend, Stefan, and his brother, Damon. But these brothers hide dark secrets and a tragic past that threatens them all. Damon wants to lead Elena astray – and he’d rather kill Stefan than let him possess her...


Now, I know you guys are probably going to be like “OMG, another set of Vampire books? Really? Have you nothing better to do with your life?” my answer my dears, is no. I have NOTHING better to do than read books on vampires, well, this is much, much better than Twilight, because in my opinion, NO real man sparkles! Unless of course you live in Stephanie Meyers fantasy of a clumsy teenager winning the hearts of not one, but two mythical creatures.
ANYWHO!! The Vampire Diaries is a really good series of books, which I would recommend to anyone within reason, e.g. you like blood, gore, and romance. Now, I’ve read the series more than once (as I said, no social life :P) The Awakening and The Struggle is the first two books of The Vampire Diaries mashed together. It follows the school life of Miss Popular, Elena Gilbert. Well, what can I say, pretty, blonde, smart, has a group of people trailing behind her, it’s the typical stereotype of the perfect American teenager!! This is what we think at the beginning of the novel, when the Salvatore brother’s first move to Fell’s Church, but of course, it changes rapidly. What? How does it change? you may ask in awe, well, firstly, Elena ditches her boyfriend, Matt. Secondly, she has all of her friends hunt down vital information on tall, dark, and handsome. Thirdly, after getting tall, dark and handsome, she has a running with his brother, not so tall, twice as dark, and scary. Now, after this running, things just flop in my opinion, I found myself skipping pages to get to the juicy bits! Which she writes AMAZINGLY may I add. Anywhoo, there’s murder, accusation, and death. DEATH??? Yes, death. Elena, on their little celebration day, dies!! But because she has drunk from both Stefan and Damon, she has enough vampire blood within her veins to “revive” herself.
I found this book amazing, well... the juicy bits, and the sweet bits. So, I STRONGLY recommend you read it, or I will just spam you the book title :P




Keep reading my little Booklings!!!!!!!!

Friday 13 July 2012

I frown upon thou, parody writers!!! D:

Picture the scene: Dother Hall performing arts college somewhere Up North, surrounded by rolling dales, bearded cheesemaking villagers (male and female) and wildlife of the squirrely-type.
On the whole, it’s not quite the showbiz experience Tallulah was expecting… but once her mates turn up and they start their ‘FAME! I’m gonna liiiiive foreeeeeever, I’m gonna fill my tiiiiights’ summer course things are bound to perk up.
Especially when the boys arrive. (When DO the boys arrive?)
Six weeks of parent-free freedom.
BOY freedom.
Freedom of expression…
cos it’s the THEATRE dahling, theatre!!

In all honesty, I did give up reading this book – I know, a scandal, slap on the hand!! – but I have a reason!!!! I got bored >.< Okay, fair enough it’s a good book if you’re into some cheesy writing methods, but for me? NO! This is, clearly from the title, a parody of Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. However, although my extremely pessimistic views at the beginning, I thought that there were some quite funny and interesting points throughout the parts I had read. Basically, the funny bit is for me that the standard of writing is made for the youngling children, but when I read it, I just giggled all the time... wait... is that bad? LOL! 
I’d recommend this book to those who do enjoy a little bit of a laugh, and to those who don’t really choose challenging reads, or, those little ones who are soooo adorably small!!!!

Keep reading my little Booklings!!!!!

Odd Eyes Never Looked Better

In this Young Adult fantasy, Kristin Cashore changes a few of the rules, but leaves reality as we know it essentially intact. The story takes place within seven neighboring kingdoms operating under a standard feudal system. Government, economy, and daily life follow traditional courses; the twist lies in the human element: the Gracelings. Many of these Gracelings, including the main character, Katsa, are made servants to kings, who exploit their exceptional abilities to satisfy their own greed and ambition. At first merely a cog in the wheel of the great political machine, Katsa soon rejects her assigned role and begins to write her own story. Driven to fight against corruption and cruelty, Katsa must examine the natures of power, freedom, and justice in order to discover her true self and claim her rightful place in the world.

I found that this book was a really interesting read. A lot of the books I read, as I have said maybe three times now, tend to be more action based, but having a book which does tie in with the economy and the government was actually quite good. Now, the point of this blog is not for spoilers, but with this novel, I just can’t resist. So...

Now that that’s out of the way, the story follows Lady Katsa, she is one of the few Gracelings in the seven kingdoms. Now, she feels that her grace is a killing grace, and is employed by a court to do their dirty work shall we say. This is the interesting part :P She soon finds a friend in Po, another Graceling, and he came to her asking if she knew anything about his grandfather’s disappearance. Sooooo! They set out on a mahooosive journey to one of the other kingdoms. On the way back to Po’s castle, they pick up little Princess Bitterblue, here’s the point okay! RIGHT! On the way there, they get ambushed and Po falls off his horse into some water, hitting his head. He begs Katsa to leave him, and after some tears and some disagreements, she reluctantly does. And then they get to the castle where Po’s father and Bitterblue’s father is there, then Po’s father gets all “OMG!!” cause Po gave Katsa his ring. And there’s some arguements and a ton of stuff I forget. BUT! When Katsa goes back for Po.... He tells her he’s blind D: Now, I literally cried at this point, so I will say, those who are majorly sensitive, get some tissues.
Now the spoilers out of the way! Right, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone I meet because, quite frankly, it’s AMAZING!

Keep reading my little Booklings!!!!!

Friday 29 June 2012

No wonder they say teenagers are bad!!!!

I know you’re getting bored... but I’m going to write a review of the LAST instalment of the Twilight Saga, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. Now, the story follows a girl (obviously Bree) who was an abused child, who left home before she could get a job and fell into the trap of being offered a cheeseburger – cue the “I can has cheeseburger?” cat – and subsequently ends up being part of the New Born army out to kill Bella Swan and get rid of the Cullen Clan. Now, she falls in love with a fellow ally and they share various high fives and hunting trips... that is... until he never comes back. And as this has happened Riley (the army “leader”) needs to keep her faith in him, so, consequently he LIES!!! He tells dearest Bree that he was selected by “her” to do some scouting.
Well... I found it interesting to read from a different point of view for once, however, I thought there could be a little bit more arguments with other members of the coven. I do enjoy a bit of action and limb loss within vampire novels if I’m going to be honest. Now, if you would like to find out more, then read it! Jeez! I’m not going to tell you everything. Oh, but one last thing!! She dies.

Keep reading my little Booklings!!!!!

Babies at 18? REALLY?

To be irrevocably in love with a vampire is both fantasy and nightmare woven into a dangerously heightened reality for Bella Swan. Pulled in one direction by her intense passion for Edward Cullen, and in another by her profound connection to werewolf Jacob Black, she has endured a tumultuous year of temptation, loss and strife to reach the ultimate turning point. Her imminent choice to either join the dark but seductive world of immortals or pursue a fully human life has become the thread from which two tribes hangs.

Breaking Dawn... This has to be the best out of the Twilight Saga, I enjoy the way that Stephanie has given both Bella and Jacob’s sides of the story. However, in the first part of the novel I found that apart from the beginning, I really wanted to skip to an exciting part... Which for me? THAT ISN’T GOOD!!!!! Now, I know it’s usually a thing with le protagonist being in danger and stuff, but honestly? GRR! On that note however, I thought the second half of the book was well written and fast paced, having Jacob temporarily separate from the La Push wolf pack and choosing Bella and Renesmee over Sam and the others was a risky move to put in the plot.
Now with the Volturi danger... Is it really necessary? Some may say HELL NO! Others may be YES, IT HAS TO BE THERE!!! Me? I don’t know... I mean, it made the book really good... but is it really going to be likely that the Wives come out of their tower because of a stupid blind vampire who needs to go to specsavers? Or... Would there be damn perfect synchronization between people in different coloured cloaks? You get my point I hope...
Now, I know a lot may be thinking, “Jeez, this post is long.” I know, I know, twilight is one of the most boringest books ever, blah blah blah.  BUT!!!! I need to clear up everyones, “Who’s going to play Renesmee?!?!?!” queries. Mackenzie Foy is playing Bella Cullen’s daughter I believe! NOW!! Go and read it!!

Keep reading my little Booklings!!!!

Is it nessecary to kill for a dead person?

As Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge, Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob - knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation approaching, Bella has one more decision to make: life or death. But which is which?

Now, Eclipse... I thought that introducing an extremely real threat was a good idea, as the novella (I will be writing a review soon) gave another side to the same story. Now, those who HAVE read the twilight saga before will know that New Borns are  very strong vampire spawn, and you will also remember Victoria, the mate of James (said sadistic vampire) is kind of REALLY annoyed with the Cullen Clan. She has made an “army” of New Born vampire to hopefully destroy the Cullen Clan. Now, anyone who has seen the movie knows that any book with a good opportunity for an epic action sequence will know, the Cullen’s and the La Push wolf pack COMPLETELY obliterate the New Borns, and win again.
Now, this is another good book, that I would recommend for you. It does really show that Edward and Jacob are trying to share Bella between them, however, it does get a bit boring in places... But I’d definitely ask  you to read it!

Keep reading my little Booklings!!!!!!!

This time? Werewolves are BOSS!

For Bella Swan, there is one thing more important than life itself: Edward Cullen. But being in love with a vampire is even more dangerous than Bella could of ever imagined. Edward has already rescued Bella from the clutches of one evil vampire, but now, as their daring relationship threatens all that's near and dear to them, they realise their troubles may just be beginning...

Right, now as for New Moon, this novel is just as good as twilight, however, showing the friendship for Jacob. I found this book effective as it really imposes the “love triangle” part of the Saga. I just thought it was really nice showing how she was accepted by Jacob when Edward had done a runner. Not so perfect now huh? This novel is a really nice break from Edward, as his dangerous demeanour would get boring after a while. However, when Alice turns up with news of Edwards whereabouts, I kind of had a change of heart. It was kind of typical, but not at the same time, where the clumsy human girlfriend has to attempt to save the “love of their life” from committing suicide by walking into the sun. Now I really dislike Alice for having visions... Cause Bella and Jacob are like, PERFECT for each other! 
But seriously, this is another great read, this is just my opinion, you don’t have to listen to me... just take what I say on board when you read this.

Keep reading my little Booklings!!!!!

Real Men Don't Glitter

When Isabella Swan moves to the gloomy town of Forks and meets the mysterious, alluring Edward Cullen, her life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn. With his porcelain kin, golden eyes, mesmerizing voice, and supernatural gifts, Edward is both irresistible and impenetrable. Up until now he has managed to keep his true identity hidden, but Bella is determined to uncover his dark secret.
What Bella doesn't realize is that the closer she gets to him, the more she is putting herself and those around her at risk. And it might be too late to turn back...

I know a lot of you have probably read the Twilight Saga, or probably met one of the thousands of Team Edwards or Team Jacobs. I also know what it is like to have been UTTERLY obsessed with the books; however, I have grown out of them. And although I could hate the books with an icy vengeance, I still adore the way Stephanie has written them.
Firstly, let’s look at the first instalment of the Saga. Twilight, after reading it countless times, does become quite boring, although, when left for a while, it is actually fast paced, with possible danger at every turn. I love how it shows how daunting arriving at a new school where you know no one. I do also like the fact that she is quite clumsy and, as a “petty” human being, le vampire boyfriend must swoop to her rescue when the sadistic tracker leads her into a ballet studio.
I know there is a lot of prejudice hovering around these books, but seriously, they are well written and structured, and they’re a great romance novel for those who do like the little bit of romance. SO! I would ask all of you who say “Twilight SUCKS!!” to just sit down and read it, I know it seems something to fan girl over, but honestly, it’s an amazing read.

Keep reading my little Booklings!!!!

Thursday 28 June 2012

Gunfire, Parachutes and Silencers

Half British and half Arab, Paul Rashid is proud to be both heir to the ancient Dauncey Place in England and the leader of the Rashid Bedouin of Hazar in the Persian Gulf. He is a man for whom family honour is everything. So when he uncovers an international conspiracy that threatens to use any means necessary, including murder, to deprive his family of the oil wealth that is their birthright, he vows to gain vengeance - and to make sure the world takes notice.

I have nearly finished the book ‘Edge of Danger’ by Jack Higgins. I found this book quite interesting as the flow of events was quick running and Sean Dillon (the main character) found himself in some dodgy situations.
However, if you are offended by rude language in parts, I would recommend steering away from this novel, as there is some mild – strong language throughout. Anyway, with that said, this book has been one of the BEST reads of this year, so if you are not worried about the language throughout, please, read it!!!

Keep reading my little Booklings!!!!!

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Blood Red Silver

The only thing Avery Hood can recall about the night her parents died is that she saw silver – deadly silver, moving inhumanly fast. as much as she wants to remember who killed her parents, she can’t, and there’s nothing left to do but try to piece her life back together....
I have recently finished “Low Red Moon” by Ivy Devlin. This book was quite interesting, written in the first person and full of flashbacks and mystery surrounding the reasons she couldn’t remember her parents death. I’m going to try really hard not to include spoilers for you guys. So all I’ll say for now is that it is a really good book, however, for those of you who really love action packed novels, it may be quite boring. But within this novel, patience is the key; you will be pleased at the end... that is if you like gore ;)
This book is very... hmm, how do I say it.... sensual in parts... Where both Ben Dursic and Avery Hood feel a gravitational pull towards each other, however, on several occasions, Ben stops as it gets interesting... which is a pity because I was enjoying it, haha! But in all honesty, I would definitely recommend this book to any of my friends.

Keep reading my little Booklings!!!!!!   

Vampires vs. Werewolves..... hmmmm....

What is one thing I always enjoy doing? Reading! I love reading with my whole heart, it allows you to leave reality for a few minutes (or hours in my case) and live life through a different person. I know a lot of people my age nowadays tend to prefer videogames, and will spend hours on end firing the heads off various alien attackers. As I don’t really care for alien attacks or fantasy apocalypses, most people find me on the end of my bed reading. I read quite a lot, from supernatural vampires vs. werewolves, romance, and action packed novels based on real life.

I have been asked, “Are there any barriers to reading?” my reply to that? No, of course not! There’s no point reading if you aren’t willing to try something a little different, as well, many people tend to take to reading as time fillers, and they read on the train, the plane, in the car, on the bus... But there’s countless places you can read! Whether it is the seaside, in the woods, in a wheelbarrow! It’s all good fun when you think about it.